What it Takes to Successfully Implement Metal 3D Printing into Your Production

We support your AM journey end to end!

We are your partner,  offering complete additive manufacturing (AM) solutions: industrial 3D printers equipped with industry-leading technologies, proven processes, consulting services and courses from the award-winning Additive Minds team. Utilize our software solutions to oversee multiple aspects of the metal AM process and optimize it to fit your needs. From peripheral products to post-processing, we have the resources and partnerships within our industrial 3D printing ecosystem to set you up for success. 

Software Solutions
EOS software solutions

Unlock the potential of your metal 3D printed applications

With a subscription-based license model, EOS Plans offer a flat rate of validated and ready-to-use processes, including powerful hatching algorithms for first-time-right exposure, as well as an automatic in-situ process control for reduced supports and increased productivity. Take control of your machine park, offering deep insight into machine-generated data for improved machine utilization. 

Overview of the EOS Softwaresuite

Software Highlights

EOS Build/Build+ 

Available per facility, EOS Build delivers the key features of EOSPRINT (and, especially in Build+, some key enhancements) as a subscription. Multiple users (up to 3 in Build or 10 in Build+) can optimize process parameters and manage material usage with greater latitude than ever before.  

EOS Smart Monitoring* 

EOS Smart Monitoring uses Exposure OT to make build monitoring and analysis more thorough and cost-effective — but doubles down on the cutting edge with Smart Fusion. This automated power adjustment tool operates in close conjunction with EOS Build/Build+ to ensure heat never exceeds standards established in the parameter set. 

*requires an active Build/Build+ subscription 

EOS Data Insights 

Data Insights offers unparalleled insights into machine performance — either individually or as a whole park of devices. As a web-based subscription platform, it's available on-premises or via the cloud, with a UI optimized for desktop and mobile devices. 


Support-Free Building

Master the challenge of Support-free 3D printing with Smart Fusion

Smart Fusion is the latest addition to EOS commitment to advancing and promoting metal 3D printing through innovative solutions that simplify the process, save costs, and increase productivity. 

Smart Fusion's real-time capability automatically adjusts laser power to address potential manufacturing issues quickly and efficiently. The technology measures the laser energy absorbed by the powder bed and adjusts it using advanced algorithms. As a positive side effect, support structures can be avoided or even eliminated. This not only saves time, but also lowers your cost-per-part (CPP) through reduced post-processing and reduced material usage. 

Post Processing Methods

Post-Processing: The Finishing Touches For Your 3D Printed Parts 

Post-processing is needed in industrial metal 3D printing to remove supports from your applications, smooth rough edges and bring a polished look to your completed part. There are many different methods of post-processing for metal 3D printing, here are a few that are commonly used:  

  • Media blasting with sand, grit, and ceramic beads  
  • Shot peening  
  • Vibratory finishing/ barrel finishing  
Material Management
Metal 3D Printing

Material Management

Different Degrees of Automation Based on Your Needs

The EOS material management system enables you to convey and sieve your metal materials. To meet every customer requirement, the systems have different degrees of automation, are suitable for both small and large volumes of material and can also be flexibly integrated into your production environment, regardless of which EOS metal system you choose.

Every system provides consistent conditions to reliably produce parts and facilitates sampling for quality assurance purposes. The simple mode of operation and high safety levels minimize the risk of powder contact for operators. Since the material management and build job unfold in parallel, the set-up time between jobs is reduced and the overall productivity is increased.

In addition, we offer 3rd party solutions that are optimized for usage with EOS machines like the Volkmann PowTrex, vLoader, and HUB - EOS Editions.

Example: Volkmann Powder Handling Solution EOS Edition
Training Solutions

Training Your Team with the Additive Minds Academy

While the Additive Minds group provides training through collaboration with customers and application-specific projects, we also provide the Additive Minds Academy, an online resource that houses learning modules for engineers, designers, machine operators, and aspiring creators.  

Our Additive Minds team can help you choose the optimal learning path for you based on your AM experience level, educational background, and personal or organizational AM goals. Leverage the Additive Minds Academy to identify the optimal onboarding and continuous education courses for your engineering team today.  

Consulting Services
Expert Guidance with the Additive Minds Group  
The Additive Minds group is the technical consulting department of EOS, combining 3D printing know-how from a wide variety of fields and industries. Our Additive Minds team can work with your internal engineering team to optimize, validate, and scale your industrial 3D printing process.  

Whether your organization is looking for support in determining your AM business case, identifying applications best suited for 3D printing, optimizing an application design, or more, let the Additive Minds team utilize their collective years of industry expertise to guide you on your AM journey. 
Technical Services

Dedicated Metal 3D Printing Service and Support

Whether you’re just getting started or you’re facing challenges with everyday operations, our technical services focus on empowering your team for every 3D printing roadblock. Our services range from installation and operational training to qualified system maintenance and a global network of available support. We also provide a portal for your questions and concerns, with specialists on the other end of the line to support your team when you need it most. Explore our service packages and learn more about the offerings available to maximize your AM system success.