3D Printed metal applications

Quality Assurance in 3D Printing

EOS Standards and Certifications

Many sectors, including the aerospace, automotive and medical industries, require carefully tested and consistent part quality. How can this be achieved with additive manufacturing? Find out how EOS has established a quality management system that is unrivaled.

We continuously control the quality of every part at every process step in the value chain and have obtained product certifications and validations to prove this. The objective of our quality policy is to identify current customer needs and recognize future market requirements at an early stage so we can meet them with appropriate organization, technical and economic means. 

Industrial 3D Printing Quality Assurance Approach For System, Material, and Process

Our joint development and multilateral coordination between the three elements (system, material and process) draw from 30 years of experience. In this way, we create the conditions for uniform, repeatable and reliable part properties. The result? Unsurpassed part quality. With comprehensive quality assurance measures in all three areas, EOS has established an integrated quality approach for series production.

Qualitätssicherung Im Labor

Quality Management at EOS 
Systematic & Certified


Besides processes, systems and products, EOS quality management focuses on further developing and improving the entire organization by taking advantage of the best available methods. This unfolds in partnership with the relevant departments, branches and partners. As a result, we can efficiently meet our customers’ specifications while complying with legal requirements.

Key certifications document and demonstrate this claim:

  • EOS GmbH: Certified according to ISO 14001. Certified according to ISO 9001 for the development, manufacturing, sales and servicing of additive manufacturing systems and solutions with laser sintering technology since 1998.
  • EOS Finland Oy: Our center for the development, manufacturing and sales of metal materials and processes for EOS metal systems is in Finland. Our Finland branch is certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 standards.
  • KVS GmbH: KVS is part of EOS Holding GmbH as a manufacturer and supplier of plastic powders for additive manufacturing. KVS is certified according to ISO 9001 for the development, production, testing and distribution of polyamide powders and mixes.
  • We have product certifications and validations (IQ, OQ, PQ) for every component of the additive manufacturing process. This includes customer-facing processes and finished parts, as well as regulatory certificates and registrations on global markets.

Whitepaper "Hands-on Quality"


In many industries, such as aerospace and medical technology, there are strict requirements for the qualification and certification of parts, materials and processes. Which quality requirements can EOS additive manufacturing meet?

Our whitepaper describes the quality assurance processes and standards fulfilled by EOS systems, processes and materials.

You will find answers to the following questions:

  • What are the decisive factors of quality in additive manufacturing?
  • How does EOS conduct quality assurance in product and process development?
  • What are examples of useful standards in quality assurance?

Highest Quality Standards at EOS – a Guiding Principle for the Entire Team


  • Customer satisfaction is how we measure quality.
  • We strive for above-average quality in all our products and services.
  • We reliably guarantee our high quality standards at cost-efficient price points with robust organizational and technological processes.
  • We continuously promote quality awareness among our employees to ensure they strive to achieve flawless quality in their work and avoid mistakes.
  • Every employee helps to implement the company’s goals and improve quality by acting independently and in a quality-conscious manner.
3D Printing metal buildprocess

EOS Metal Solutions

Additive manufacturing systems with proven DMLS quality –
perfectly suited to your individual metal manufacturing requirements. 

Laser hits poylmer powder

EOS Polymer Solutions

Fast, Reliable and Highly Efficient

Metal Powder coming out of a glass

EOS Metal Powders

Our portfolio of high tech materials designed for metal 3D printing, the mechanical & thermal properties, part examples.

Polymer Powder

EOS Polymer Powders

EOS offers an extensive portfolio of high-tech polymer materials for our pioneering SLS technology. Find the perfect material for your application.