
3D Printing Copper Cu, CuCP & CuCrZr

Copper in Additive Manufacturing: Newbie on the Rise

Copper 3D printing is one of the newest areas of additive manufacturing - and one of the most growing. Until a few years ago, it was problematic to impossible to print three-dimensional objects with copper because the metal's reflectivity and high thermal conductivity made it difficult to use conventional 3D printers.

As a pioneer in the field of copper 3D printing, EOS has mastered these challenges, so today advanced applications can be printed using copper, from rocket propulsion systems to copper coils. The material properties of copper make it ideal for any application requiring good conductivity - both in thermal and electronic terms. In the past, copper parts had to be forged, cast or machined. 3D printing with copper now makes it possible to produce much more complex geometries that, for example, increase the efficiency of electric motors or enable new types of heat sinks in power electronics.


EOS Copper Materials

The copper family includes Cu, CuCP and CuCrZr alloys developed and qualified for use with EOS metal systems. They all impress with good electrical and thermal conductivity, making them suitable for a wide range of applications.

All our copper materials are well tried and tested as consistent and reproducible part quality is essential for applications in many industries. For more transparency, we at EOS adapted the Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) concept developed by NASA for our 3D printing materials.

Our EOS Copper CuCP and EOS CopperAlly CuCrZr are TRL 5 materials. They are delivered with a lot specific MTC (according to EN 10204, type 3.1). EOS Copper Cu is a TRL 3 material which is supplied with a material test report MTR (according to EN 10204, type 2.2) showing chemical properties and grain size distribution.


Typical Part Properties

  • Chemical Composition Standard approx. 99.6% pure
  • Tensile Strength 190 MPa
  • Yield Strength 140 MPa
  • Elongation at Break 20 %

EOS Copper Cu

High purity copper to reach good electrical and thermal conductivity. Suitable for a wide variety of applications.


  • High purity copper
  • Good electrical and heat conductivity
  • Process developed to achieve best possible conductivity using the EOS M 290

Typical Applications

  • Heat exchangers 
  • Electronics
  • Variety of industry applications requiring good conductivity

Compatible Printers

Typical Part Properties

  • Tensile Strength 165 MPa
  • Yield Strength 235 MPa
  • Elongation at Break 45 %

EOS Copper CuCP

Commercially pure copper designed to reach excellent conductivity properties. Suitable for a wide variety of applications.


  • Commercially pure copper (> 99.95 % purity)
  • Excellent electrical and heat conductivity

Typical Applications

  • Electrical motors
  • Inductors
  • Variety of industry applications requiring excellent conductivity properties

Compatible Printers

Typical Part Properties

  • Tensile Strength 300 MPa
  • Yield Strength 200 MPa
  • Elongation at Break 30 %

EOS CopperAlloy CuCrZr

EOS CopperAlloy CuCrZr has a favorable combination of electrical and thermal conductivity accompanied with good mechanical properties. This alloy reaches its good properties during heat treatment.


  • High productivity 12 mm3 /s with 80 µm layer thickness
  • Moderate to high conductivity in heat treated condition together with good mechanical properties
  • Chemical composition corresponds to C18150 and CW106C

Typical Applications

  • Rocket engine parts
  • Heat exchangers
  • Induction coils

Compatible Printers