Can I 3D Print This?

Can I 3D Print This is the new North-American-only tool from EOS Additive Minds.



It that will help to unlock the benefits of additive manufacturing (AM) for your part design.

Simply upload your digital part design file and receive your analysis in minutes. 

If you’ve ever wondered, “Can I 3D print this?” you’ve come to the right place. This tool will help you discover the 3D printability of a traditionally manufactured part and whether or not it makes sense to switch to AM. 

How your free part analysis will inform your 3D printing choices

Our process

Better than just a 3D printing service

Based on just a few questions and details, we’ll tailor our recommendations for your 3D systems. This gives you detailed information based on EOS’ years of expertise in AM, which you can then use for an in-depth analysis with our Additive Minds experts.


Project life cycle: From 3D design to physical object

The financial viability of additive manufacturing is a part of choosing 3D printing as your new manufacturing method. Let's break down all the aspects that may affect your business case when printing with EOS.

Who is behind Additive Minds?

The Additive Minds team will work alongside your engineering team to combine dedicated consulting, engineering, and integrated digital learning to quickly ramp up your AM readiness and set your internal team up for success.

Ready to Get Started?

Can I 3D Print This is free, simple, straightforward, and puts EOS Additive Minds by your side.

*Please note this tool is currently only available for usage in North America at this time.