EOS Printer Service Packages

Exactly tailored to your 3D printing needs

From flexible full-service plans to basic care with a routine maintenance check. Our EOS System Care Program is tailored to your specific requirements. Simply choose the right package for your solutions and servicing needs.


Your advantages with the EOS System Care Program


  • Access to EOS service expertise
  • Qualified system maintenance to ensure value retention for your system park
  • Reduced printer repair needs and enhanced system status optimization
  • Pricing advantages for service rates
  • Cost transparency and predictable operating expenses

EOS service packages for maximum printer availability and high-quality performance

More than a simple printer repair service: Select the Right Option for Your Installation!

FullServiceFlex Fully safeguarded system performance

Fully safeguarded system performance

Are you integrating additive manufacturing into your production environment?


Optimal system status

Do you want to ensure that your 3D printer retains value and provides optimal performance over the entire lifecycle?

Customized Service Plans

Service coverage for large-scale machine parks

You are on your way into industrial, large-scale Additive Manufacturing?

Our Flexible Service Packages at a Glance

Remote Service by EOS

Increase your system availability to the max with remote support
Save time and money with EOS Remote Services. Our trained EOS Global Service experts are at your side, literally just a mouse click away. The remote support shortens unplanned system downtimes and enables a secure way to perform initial diagnostics and have malfunctions fixed quickly and safely.

EOS Remote Service
EOS Remote Service Customer Testimonial

Worried who gets access? Not with EOS.

Our solution is TÜV IT Trusted Product certified with secure VPN connection, SSL encryption, and communication via a central server located in a DMZ (DeMilitarizedZone)—and made in Germany.

You are always in the driver's seat: Connection to your system is only possible if you initiate it. Once the work is done, the remote session is closed. Afterward, there is no way for EOS to reconnect with the system—only if you launch a new remote service request. So, you don’t need to be concerned simply to benefit from your EOS service expert directly at your side.

During warranty period and with a FullServiceFlex service package, remote service is free of charge.

Discover More

From EOS Services Solution

Operator at the screen of a 3D Printer

EOS Printer Service Packages

From flexible full service and maintenance packages to basic care with a system health check. Our service packages are individually tailored to your needs.

EOS Financial Services

For your success with additive Refurbished used systems, flexible leasing and financing models: With our special offers, we enable access to the expansion of your additive manufacturing.