EOS Contract Manufacturing Network

Accurate and reliable 3D printing technology gives suppliers the flexibility to respond to market fluctuations, reduce time-to-market, meet unique requirements, obtain industry-specific certifications and access the latest additive manufacturing technologies.


Looking for a trusted additive manufacturing partner to produce 3D parts?



Then our Contract Manufacturing Network (CMN) can help. From rapid prototyping up to small series volumes of 1,000 parts, our network connects you with leading AM production partners. Without the worry of manufacturing yourself, they can deliver high quality parts quickly and reliably. We start with 15 established partners using the latest EOS 3D printing technology. It's the easiest way to get EOS quality 3D printed parts in EMEA.

  • Experienced & Evaluated AM partners

  • Latest & best-in-class EOS technology

  • Secure industrial quality standards

  • Reliable, flexible and niche specific

  • Cost reduction through outsourcing of manufacturing tasks

"We want our customers to be successful. When outsourcing their AM production to a partner from the Contract Manufacturing Network, small series customers will get the same EOS quality and industry expertise all our customers are used to."

Markus Glasser, Senior Vice President EMEA

EOS 3D Printing Stories

EOS launches Contract Manufacturing Network

Press Release

EOS, a leading supplier for responsible manufacturing solutions via industrial 3D printing technology, has today launched its new Contract Manufacturing Network. The network connects end customers with established AM production partners, so they can create high quality parts in a fast and reliable way.

When 3D printing makes life better

3D Printing Stories - Protiq | Blog

The Berlin start-up LAEMON developed the first IoT-enabled jewelry bracelet with PROTIQ, a member of the EOS Contract Manufacturing Network. The evolution from prototype to material and color selection and on to realization of the first product batches was only economically viable thanks to additive manufacturing.

inner life of a machine

EOS 3D Printing Innovations

EOS is constantly working on the future: on the development of our additive manufacturing solutions, but also on the more general answers that industrial 3D printing can provide to challenges in different industries. Learn more about our latest 3D printing innovations and how our customers have solved their challenges with EOS additive technologies.

EOS Metal AM Solutions

EOS offers industrial 3D printing systems that can be flexibly integrated into existing production environments with a range of different build space sizes, laser power ratings and scalability. Start your metal 3D Printing journey with us today.

polymer powder

Growing with Polymer 3D Printing

While industrial 3D printing promises more flexibility and creative freedom than traditional manufacturing, understanding different materials and technologies can be a challenge. Discover your easy path into the limitless world of polymer 3D printing.