BRAGi Additive Manufacturing of Glasses Frames

3D Printing Enables Optimised Wearing Comfort | Success Story

Using the Advantages of Additive Manufacturing for Tailor-Made Glasses Frames

The Chinese company Nanjing BRAGi Optical Technology Co, Ltd. is doing exactly this as their business model - while relying on the experience and expertise of EOS, the technology provider for 3D printing, for this and future growth.
BRAGi rapidly established a business model that enables the quick and easy production of individual glasses frames by means of additive manufacturing as a complete scan-to-print solution.


"We are already familiar with the concept of customized production from numerous other applications, for example in the medical sector. After all, prostheses or implants are also tailored to individual patients. So why wouldn’t the same concept work in the field of optics?"
Gong Xinyi | Designer | BRAGi

3d printed glasses frames from BRAGi: Perfect fit with maximum wearing comfort | © BRAGi


If a pair of glasses cannot be adjusted, they must fit perfectly from the very beginning. 

"One size fits all" - a nice idea, but often not feasible. This applies especially to acetate frames manufactured using the traditional injection molding or 2D cutting process - individual face shapes with their decisive nuances are simply too different. In some cases, the lenses may even be at the wrong distance from the eye, or the wrong height in relation to the pupils.


The solution is obvious. In order to achieve a perfectly fitting shape of the frame right from the start, an individual, precisely production is necessary. 

Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) is a proven technology that has been successful and established for many years. A laser prints a part layer by layer - ideal for a high degree of customization without additional costs. All that is required is an industrial 3D printer and material plus the corresponding 3D computer data. Any component can be easily and quickly produced from the data. This also applies to eyewear, which are delicate but still need to be robust and fit precisely.

"We intensively compared the technologies of different suppliers from all over the world. The EOS system is superior to other manufacturers in terms of component quality and surface finish. The fit between frame and bracket is excellent for every build cycle, and the technology-related staircase effect is virtually non-existent. In addition, the material allows any form of finish, including coloring. The purity of the white of the glasses frames is also very important, and here again the EOS system is at the top."

Gong Xinyi | Designer | BRAGi



BBRAGi rapidly established a business model that enables the quick and easy production of individual glasses frames by means of additive manufacturing as a complete scan-to-print solution. This is particularly useful for glasses wearers who have problems with standard frame shapes due to the shape of their noses. But all other users of BRAGi eyewear will also enjoy the very comfortable fit, which at the same time guarantees optimum optical support and low weight. In addition, the glasses are robust and have a long service life. Another very important feature for wearers: they are hypoallergenic.

The business model is streamlined and enables a high degree of individuality: in the injection molding or 2D cutting process, the minimum order quantity for a frame is about 500 pieces - in contrast to custom-made and at the same time low-cost additively and individually manufactured glasses. Nevertheless, the process and part quality are consistently high - the combination with the material properties of PA 2200 means glasses frames that can withstand the high demands of post-processing, right down to coloring and appearance. As this is a fashion-oriented industry, new designs can be developed and implemented quickly.

In just a few months, BRAGi has already produced over 30,000 glasses and shipped them to customers with a short delivery time. For BRAGi, this means prosperous business development: the company, which is based in China, has expanded its business activities to Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia, and there are also already inquiries from Europe. A scan at home is also planned in order to make it even more convenient for customers. Simplifying the supply chain in this way would further improve margins. As a result, additive manufacturing would contribute to another positive effect on the business model. The ability to implement their model without additional points of sales or warehouses is also a plus point for BRAGi in this scenario. More and more glasses wearers are benefiting from the advantages of a custom-made frame.

"Stop doing prototyping. Start production. 3D printing is revolutionary for the optical industry."

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